Tuesday 7 March 2017

Let's celebrate feminism by abandoning Abusive words


Mom you are my Originator and I Respect you

       Nowadays it has become a trend , a swagger quotient amongst the youths  . Many people feel proud to speak dirty words like (ma.....MotherF.... and behen... Fuc...) as a symbol of prestige and status. But there's always this thought that dwindles my mind time and again as why not words like FatherF and BrotherF are not so commonly used with the same intensity?

       A humble request to you all please don't use these words and also stop others from using the same. These are the weakest forms of expressions There are many ways by which we can express our anger and outrage let's desert this way.

Its Our thoughts that become words,these words lead to actions, and ultimately it is our Actions that frame our Destiny.

         Words portray your character your thought process. Have you ever thought why sexual crimes are rising sharply these days? The reason is we ourselves are polluting the minds and feeding the brains with such ill thoughts. Just think how will you feel if someone younger to you your sibling or your child adapt these words? It is we who are transmitting these filthy vibes to our younger generation. Friends " Be the CHANGE you want to see in the world. Start implementing it on self first "

         Today on this Women's day let's pledge that we won't be using such nasty words and will try our level best by conveying the same message to the people around us.

        One should not forget " It is a woman who has given you birth " At least for her sake let's take an oath to abandon such words that disrespect the integrity, the individuality of a person and to be more specific a WOMAN.


  1. Good idea put in nice discreet wordings

  2. Very true. Point well made

  3. Very true. Point well made

  4. Thanku Bhaiya for your kind words.

  5. Very genuine thought process. Kudos to you for writing this blog :)

  6. Good work Monica, hope you continue to write. The point you made is a very important one. I don't understand why people abuse, it questions how these people have been brought up, how do these people face Thier sisters and mother. Utter disrespect.
