Sunday 6 March 2016

Kasams that I want from you....


    I always believe on one thought that we all live for our family, our near and dear ones but never live for ourselves that we girls are a big time dreamer , we parallely live in two different worlds one is our fantasy world and the second one is our real world .  I have always seen myself as an achiever, a believer of making my life and others life meaningful . I don't know what I will become where my destiny will make its way , but yes one thing I always want that when I return back home ( will meet God ) and if Almighty ask me " what you did back on earth ? " I should be able to justify the same.

    Now with my above starting pitch  you guys must have guessed it correctly that what "Kasam" Am I going to ask my " Khasam " ( syn: husband in urdu ) ??
Yes you guessed it Right I want his support his participation in my dream. I dont have a dream to become a crorepati and arabpati as it doesn't sound patni in end , Lol!!! Just kidding .
I have faced lot many loggerheads in my career , still facing. One can say just looking out answer as to why I am here on earth , exploring life . I have lot many ideas but nothing concrete all intangible .
Only one Kasam I need from you is " Please guide me , direct my dreams , badly need your support."
Its painful to see your dreams being killed each and every day , you feel suffocated makes breathing difficult , you struggle to survive each and every with a hope that your dream will come true some day.

     I have seen my hubby has reduced alot of weight these days as for many days even I was not around him so he missed home food . But yes I want one more Kasam from him I want him to take care of his health , I want him to keep himself motivated and be focused on what he loves and aspires to do. You know if one is not fit from outside he doesn't feel happy from inside. 

     Few lines for you Puneet " I don't  beleive on the seven vows , seven promises pheras taken around the Havan Kund. The only one eternal vow lets pledge together that we will be more of companions and best friends for the lifetime. As you know papa always say " Ek dusre ka purak bankar chalo " "Become complement of each other " Let's vow again of being together and make our love eternal and pure. " I'm blogging about the kasams I want from my man this Women's Day with the #SadaSexy activity at BlogAdda "


  1. wonderful write up monica.what we need from khasams is understanding and support me in every path the way i do for him. liked your write. congrats

  2. Suggest not to refer anyone directly, this in my opinion loses basic objective of blogging.

    Ideas good n clear
